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Programming at Strand CrossFit will be set with intention, broken up into 3 month cycles which  will be broken up into 4 week mini blocks.  Each month (4 weeks) will focus on 1 lifting and 1 gymnastics skill, zooming in on progression as well as still doing...

July 2022 Block Results

Congratulations on finishing our first block in July with the Gymnastics Focus of Core, and the Lift Focus of Squat. Our top box score for Core was taken by Kendall. Our Top box score for Squat was taken by Gonzo. Most Improvement was taken by Dean in Core with an...
New Training Cycle Focus starts July 4th 2022

New Training Cycle Focus starts July 4th 2022

Programming at Strand CrossFit Rundown: Message from Coach Tiff Programming at Strand CrossFit will be set with intention, broken up into 3 month cycles which will be broken up into 4 week mini blocks.  Each month (4 weeks) will focus on 1 lifting and 1...
Foam Rolling & Physical Wellbeing Benefits

Foam Rolling & Physical Wellbeing Benefits

Foam Rolling & Physical Wellbeing: In order to prolong our physical wellbeing, it is crucial we care for our body. It is a fact that lifting weights and high volume cardiovascular exercise is great for increasing physical health. It is however equally important...