by Marketing Strand | Dec 5, 2022 | WOD Diary
A Barbell Warm Up EMPTY BARBELL 5 Barbell Deadlifts 5 Hang Power Cleans 10 Strict Press 3 Pausing Strict Press 0:05 pause in the front rack look for: stance and grip 0:05 pause overhead look for: neutral spine, core tight 3 Dip to Stand (no press) 0:05 pause in the...
by Marketing Strand | Dec 5, 2022 | WOD Diary
A Ring Skills 15 min EMOM (stagger start locations if needed) 1. 5 reps RMU Transition Practice – Beginners do with low rings, feet on ground – Intermediate do low rings with band – Advanced “ice cream makers” on high rings 2. 5 Chest to...
by Marketing Strand | Dec 5, 2022 | WOD Diary
A Movement Practice DEADLIFT VERY LIGHT WEIGHT 3 3-Position Paused Deadlifts 0:03 Pause 1 Inch Off The Floor Look for neutral spine 0:03 Pause at The Knee 0:03 Pause at Lockout 10 Deadlifts DOUBLE UNDERS 3-5 mins to work on DU skills Penguin hops, du/su/du and rhythm...
by Marketing Strand | Dec 5, 2022 | WOD Diary
A Practice Work TOES TO BAR 10 Scap Retractions 5 Kip Swings 5 Strict Knees to Chest 5 Kipping Knees to Chest 5 Toes to Bar Athletes should test their break up strategy 12 Toes to Bar PRACTICE ROUND 4 Toes to Bar 50ft Farmer’s Carry 7/5 Calorie Assault Bike 4 Toes to...
by Marketing Strand | Dec 5, 2022 | WOD Diary
A Back Squat E90sO90sx 7 Rnds: 3 Back Squats at 22XO tempo, build across sets starting around 70%, aiming to end near 85% B TOIL AND TROUBLE 4 Rounds For Time: 400 Meter Run 40 Push Ups** 12 Double Dumbbell Hang Squat Cleans (22.5/15kg) *Score = Time TC= 30 min TC...
by Marketing Strand | Dec 5, 2022 | WOD Diary
A FATAL 40 In Pairs, Break as desired: 2 ROUNDS FOR TIME 40 Wall Balls (20/14 lb) 40 Hang Cleans (42.5/30kg) 40 Pull-Ups 40 Box Jumps (24/20 in) 40 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg) 40 Toes-to-Bar 40 Air Squats 40 Hang Snatches (42.5/30kg) 40 Double-Unders 40 Sit-Ups 40...