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Programming at Strand CrossFit Rundown: Message from Coach Tiff

Programming at Strand CrossFit will be set with intention, broken up into 3 month cycles which will be broken up into 4 week mini blocks. 

Each month (4 weeks) will focus on 1 lifting and 1 gymnastics skill, zooming in on progression as well as still doing all the other things in CrossFit. Each focus will be tested at the start and end of our 4 week mini blocks to track your progression. 

New Cycle and Block starting July 4th

Welcome to the first block (4 weeks) in our 12 week cycle around Building Blocks (Push, Pull and Brace). This July block will start on July 4th with two focuses; our Lifting Focus on Squats (back and front) and our Gymnastics Focus on Core. 

In our METCON work we are still in our Open “off season” so expect lots of volume in our workouts as we build that foundation for the next Open. As we hit late 2022 and early 2023 you’ll see the intensity start to peak alongside some more strategy work with fast transitions and workouts that leave you with that feeling only a max effort can. 

Just because our workouts feature a little more volume now, doesn’t mean we aren’t still achieving intensity – we certainly are! Again, it is a matter of where the focus shifts amongst our variety. Having this focus in our mind and building a base to peak for next years’ open will benefit both our competitive athletes and recreational enthusiasts as it will keep your training fresh, focused and sustainable. 

We have set you something to work towards at the end of the cycle (end of September) with our first in-house Power Lifting Competition.  Here you can test out all the training and skills you have been progressively working on in the cycle. These skills will also help us form the building blocks as we start moving into Open season.

As we get through the cycle we will start to sharpen our skills with more dynamic movements and expressions of our fitness. 

Next Cycle:

Once we have developed our building blocks we will move into Olympic Lifting and as we head into December (the end of the second cycle), we will look to organise an Olympic Lifting in-house event as well to see how well it can all come together!

If you have any questions or queries about the upcoming programming please don’t hesitate to reach out to your coaches!