What foods are good to have before a WOD?

images To get the most out of your training sessions you may want to look into your pre workout...Not the powdered form, try leaning more towards to the whole foods. Foods that offer more of a nutritional value helping you fuel your body for your sessions. Bellow is a short list of foods you may want to look at including into your diet for pre workout purposes.

Foods that are great pre-training:

Bananas: The potassium in one banana is enough to prevent muscle cramping for 30 mins to an hour. They also a good source of carbs to keep your glycogen stores in check. 

– Quinoa: Carbs and protein all-in-one! Mix with some herbs or make a quinoa porridge for a porridge after cooking just add some warm blueberries, vanilla almond milk. pretty tasty

– Meat + veg: Chicken and turkey are both great before working out. Add in some veg, and maybe some quinoa or spelt bread for carbs and you have yourself a quality meal.

– Protein powder: Make up a smoothie or whip up some protein pancakes. Add with a banana and you have some pretty awesome pre-workout fuel!

Protein oats: Oats cooked with egg whites added right at the end.

– Chia seeds: Add these guys to whatever you eat pre-workout. They contain a heap of iron and magnesium, as well as potassium. They also suck in water and hold on to it, which keeps you hydrated longer.  Packed with protein, antioxidants and omega 3!