Barbell Primer
with an empty barbell
0:15 Good Mornings
0:15 Back Squats
0:15 Elbow Rotations
0:15 Strict Press
0:15 Stiff Legged Deadlifts
0:15 Front Squats
6 Cleans
3 Pausing Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
get workout weight on the bar [3:00]
On the 2:00 x 10 Sets:
15/10 Cal Echo
AMRAP “Macho Man” (50/35kg)
“Macho Man”:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
*Score = Total Rounds of “Macho Man” Cals on the bike should be doable in 60s or less, scale if needed. No rest between rounds today