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Programming at Strand CrossFit will be set with intention, broken up into 3 month cycles which  will be broken up into 4 week mini blocks. 

Each month (4 weeks) will focus on 1 lifting and 1 gymnastics skill, zooming in on progression as well as still doing all the other things in CrossFit. Each focus will be tested at the start and end of our 4 week mini blocks to track your progression.


This September we will be focusing on the Lift Focus of Deadlifts as well as the Gymnastics Focus of Strict Pushing.

📅 This week is your initial testing on your September focus – Thursday’s WOD testing your Strict Pushing and Friday testing your Deadlifts 🏋️‍♀️

If you can’t make one of these sessions for your initial testing, we will have Saturday available for testing makeups if you need 🥰