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Ring Work- Gymnasgtics Focus for Dec

15 min EMOM (stagger the start point so you have half on high rings and half on low rings, cap all these at a minute- most people should be aiming for 15-20s hold then rest remainder of minute):

1. Active Ring Hang (ring or bar is OK)

2. Chin Up Hold – ring or bar(sx to ring row hold)

3. Ring Support Hold (sx with bands)

4. Ring Dip Hold (sx with bands)

5. 5-10 Perfect Ring or Bar Kip Swings (x3) Stagger start if needed for space



4 RFT:

15 Pull Ups

15 Single DB Thrusters (22.5/15kg)

3 Wall Walks (open standard)

50 DU’s

20 min TC

Score= time taken to complete the workout