4TH January 2017

Strength: 4 sets: 4 DEADLIFTS (increase load over sets) 60 sec rest 8 ring DIPS (RX 1 sec hold at bottom and top WOD: 2X 8min EMOMS 1. ODD:30 double unders EVEN: 4 eccentric HSPUS   2. ODD: 6 pistols (3 each side) EVEN: 12 elevated ring...

30TH December 2016

4 supersets: -5 strict dips -30 sec ring support hold WOD: EMOM ALT 12MIN MIN 1- 2 wallwalks MIN 2- 6/4 strict C2B MIN 3- 30 UNBROKEN Double unders 1min REST 8MIN MIN 1: 6/4 DIPS (add load if needed) MIN 2: 10M handstand walk ?: One of my fav photos nothing better...

29TH December 2016

Strength: 4 sets to find 3RM strict press WOD: 3 scores 4min AMRAP Max effort burpees 1min rest 8min AMRAP 15 air squats 12 push press 9 T2B 1min rest 4min AMRAP Max effort burpees (aim is to beat first effort...