3rd October 2016

Public holiday WOD: “Bull” 2 rounds for time 200 double unders 50 over head squats 62/42KGs 50 pull ups 1.6km run Or 40min Amrap with a pair “U.S. Marine Corps Captain Brandon “Bull” Barrett, 27, of Marion, Indiana, assigned to the 1st...

28TH September 2016

Strength/ skill: superset Strict press 5 @65% 5@75% 5+@85% 3x 8 strict pull ups WOD: “FOR TIME” 50 push press 60/45kgs Every drop = 1 sled push     

26TH September 2016

Strength/skill: 10min to work on- A) HSPU B) bar muscle ups WOD: “for time” 100m row 10 HPS 60/35kgs 10 “your choice” of gymnastics skill 1min rest 250m row 8 HPS 10 gymnastics skill 1min rest 500m row 5 HPS 10 gymnastics skill 1min rest Cash...