Saturday 8th Febuary

Strength Snatch Grip Deadlift + Power Snatch + Overhead Squat 1-1-1-1-1   WOD “John Rankel” Max Rounds on 20 Minutes 6 Deadlifts (225/185) 7 Burpee Pull ups 10 Kettlebell Swings (32/24) Scale Weights as nessessary Beginners do burpees instead of BPU...

Friday 7th Febuary

Strength Front Squat 3-3-3 WOD Tabata Mash Up! Pistols and Double Unders 16 Intervals of 20 seconds work, 10 seconds rest, alternating between exercises, The score is total reps. Rest 5 minutes, then; Death by…. Burpees and Toes to Bar! Until Fail: 1st minute- 2...

Thursday 6th Febuary

STRONG MAN WOD 5 Rounds of: 20m Prowler Push 20m Stone Carry 20m Farmers Walk 20m Sled Sprint Adjust loads as necessary attempt exercises in any order provided you complete every exercise before going to the next round.  Beginners: This is an awesome WOD to try out,...

Wednesday 5th Febuary

WOD STRAND CROSSFIT TRIATHLON! 500m Swim 2.4km Run (around Strand Park and back) 3000m Row 5 People start on the rower, and then the rest split into run or swim. Once you complete one leg, move onto the next i.e. finish the row and move onto the swim,...