Saturday 1st Febuary

Skill Rope Climbs Attempt 10 Climbs up the rope. If you successfully climbs the rope 5 times and feel like you can push a bit harder, complete the next 5 legless.    WOD 7 Rounds for time 7 Sumo deadlift High Pulls 7 Pull Ups 7 Burpees L1:115/95 L2: 95/65 L3:...

PARTNER DAY! Friday 31st January

BRING YOUR TRAINING BUDDY! WOD 1 PARTNER AMRAP for 12 mintues While your partner treads water in the pool, complete; 5 Bar Facing Burpees 5 Power Snatches (95/65) 5 Hand Release Push Ups 5 Thrusters (95/65) Partners can only get out of the pool when their partner gets...

Thursday 30th January

Strength Defecit Deadlifts 8-8-8-8 Standing on plates to raise yourself up, so the start position of the deadlift is closer to your feet than usual. WOD CrossFit Open WOD 13.4 Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes following the rep scheme below: 135 pound...

Tuesday 28th January

Skill Work Handstands Kicking up against the wall, defect, free standing, walking, one armed holds, wall walks.  WOD (15 minute cut off) ‘Karen’ 150 Wallballs for time Beginners do 70 (red line) Then, 3 minutes rest after cut off, 7 Minute AMRAP  21 Double...

Monday 27th January 2014

Skill Work Kipping Pull Ups Basic Kip, Butterfly. WOD “The Chief” 5x 3 minute AMRAPS of; 3 Power Cleans 6 Push Ups 9 Squats Rest 1 minute between AMRAPS L1: 135/95 L2: 115/75 L3: 95/45 Each year in the United States Navy, a highly qualified and elite cadre...