Over the next few months, there are a number of Team and Individual competitions scheduled to take place! Our goal is to get as many of you guys competing as possible! Here’s why you should do it!


1. Competing is the best way to really see what CrossFit is about! For those who have done a couple of our In-House Comps, you know that competing in a CrossFit workout is different to the regular daily class! The atmosphere is much more motivating, inspiring and drives you to push harder than you normally would! Competing in an Open competition exposes you to that atmosphere x10!

2. Competing as a team! Team competitions are much less intimidating than individual ones. Generally you will have another 3-5 people with you the whole way, helping you and motivating you to push! Anyone who is scared of competing should try one as a team first!

3. ROADTRIP! The next couple of competitions are in Cairns, which means we get to Road trip together as a team! Hell, even if you’re not competing, you’re more than welcome to come on the trip as a supporter!

The Team Board is now up on the blackboard upstairs! Lets start building some teams!

The next 2 Upcoming comps are quite close to one-another and they’re both in Cairns! After that is the Townsville Leg of All Stars!

Rally in the Valley – REPS CrossFit Cairns. May 30 (Individual) – 31st (Teams)


Torture in the Tropics – CrossFit Dungeon. June 20-21st


Allstar Affiliate Series – Townsville. August 8-9th10525871_778907468851775_2280665302311307937_n