Monday 17th August
Warm Up: 3 RDS- 10m Inchworm + 10m Over-Unders +50 Skips

Strength: Deadlift 3×3 (70/80/90% of 1RM+10kg *same as last week*)

WOD – AMRAP 15 Minutes
6 Toes to Bar
4 Pullups
2 Chest to Bars
200m Run
*10 Kettlebell Swings every break off the bar 24/16kg*
SCALED OPTION: 10 Knee raises + 10 Pullups with the only break allowed jumping into a band if your using one.

A- Find 1RM Clean and Jerk in 20 minutes
B. Front Rack Lunge 5×10 (choose load)
C. Tabata Glute Bridge and Bridge Hold