Beach Race- Flags

All athletes face down, racing for cones. One less cone than athletes each round. The athlete who misses out on a cone each round is eliminated and must complete a 10 burpee penalty.


WOD 1- Partner Time!

In teams of 2

One athlete works while the other rests


Wall Balls

Power Cleans

Swap when reps are broken



5 Rounds for time

200m Run

5 Squat Snatch Attempts (165/115)

Snatch weight should be around 90% of your 1rm and should not be a weight you can perform touch and go reps with. Every failed snatch attempt results in a 200m penalty, to be added onto your next run. E.G if you miss all 5 attempts in a round, your next run is 1.2km (initial 200m plus 200mx5=1000m)

L2: 135/95


The workout is for time, however you MUST select a heavy weight. If the coach does not think you have challenged yourself enough, they will adjust the weight accordingly.