Strength / Skill

Power Clean Ladder. In teams of 2 (same gender)

In 7 minutes climb the ladder as high as possible.

Weights are to be progressed through as follows;

Male, 135, 185, 205, 215, 225, 236, 245.

Female: 75, 95, 115, 126, 135, 146, 155

Scale: AMRAP 7 Minutes- Rep for Rep power clean @ 80% of your max. 5 Burpees after both perform a clean.

BOTH team members must clean the weight to move onto the next. Complete 10 burpees before loading up the next set of weights. If you finish, complete AMRAP cleans at top weight



Beach Med Ball Relay. In your teams of two, complete 3 rounds of the following;

Partner A: 50m Sprint w/medball, complete 20 Medball Thrusters, 50m sprint (back to start) The ball is then passed to partner B who completes the same. This is one round.

The waiting partner must accumulate as many Kettlebell Overhead Squats as possible (until partner returns)

KB Weight= Rx: 24/16 (each hand)  L2:24/16 ( Hold with both hands), L1: Choose weight/goblet squats)

Workout is scored by time, however, every OH Squat = 2 seconds off final time.


Barbell Team Carry