Warm Up: Tabata Handstand Holds and Overhead Squats
A. Mobility- Barbell Front Rack

B. Strength: Push Jerk 5×3 Building off 70% 1RM

C. WOD – AMRAP 15 Minutes

15 Hand Release Pushups

10 Deadlifts (110/70kg) (Fitness: 70/40kg)

5 Bar Muscle Ups (Scale to 10 Pullups)


Cooldown: Banded Hip Mobility



A. Squat Snatch 2×3 @75%, 3×2 @85%, 1×1@ 90%

B. Snatch Grounds Pulls 3×3 @snatch single weight

C. Snatch Shrugs (from high Hang) 3×3 @90/95/100% 1RM